1975 was supposedly the end of 6000 years of mankind's existence. A seldom mentioned belief is that each creative day is 7000 years. Hence the 1000 year reign would be at the end of the 7th day of rest.
The gentile times ended in 1914 if you use select scriptures, gregoruan calendar mixed with bible calendar. That generation was supposed to see the end. Adults, then children old enough to reason, then anyone born 1914--chsnged as the people got older. Oct4/5 plays in as "Gods" year start date, 6pm somewhere
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Every one of us has hoped we would not get old and see a glorious kingdom. The troubles in the world are not now the worst ever seen. Think!, would you prefer to live in ww2, ww1, be a Armenian versus turk, black plague, gengus khan, shit happens